
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Thursday, August 31, 2006


You'll notice a new title

for the blog. Let me explain.

I was banned from Togaidiots "presidential" blog due to leaving comments that were - shall we say - critical of TogaFraud. I also was asking questions and bringing up his past lies. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about it. He sent his slave, Doug Kenline (formally known as Deadbeat), on a mission to ban me from leaving comments.

It wasn't Deadbeats best moment.

After several weeks of attempting to ban me with no luck, he finally hit on the correct procedure and banned me from leaving comments on the idiot blog of TogaFraud. Fine, I can live with that. I mean I still have both my blogs, right?

Well, Kenline and Chapman did a little audio blog (more of a Kenline stroking Chapman audio blog) and in the course of this blog, they began to berate me - for not wanting to debate Gene Chapman.

Helloooooo, I had been asking questions and been ignored for weeks. Weeks. I think was Gene meant to say was "debate Frank Buckner in such a way as I have complete control over what he says".

I went to Deadbeat Cowards blog and asked him to remove the ban from Chapmans blog and I'd be happy to "debate".

So, his little buddy (Kenline is to Chapman what Gilligan was to the Skipper) left his phone number saying to "call him" to "talk it over".

Hello - isn't this the same idiot that wants everything out in public via a blog? I asked him that question in the comment field of his loser blog. I doubt he'll ever answer.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Changes to the wordpress blog

There's no longer a requirement to leave your email address when leaving a comment. There is no requirement for leaving your name (or nick) either - but I would appreciate it. There's a new posting.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


New site for the TogaFraud and Deadbeat Show

it's just a test to see how Wordpress looks and feels. Please feel free to comment and follow this link to see the site.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


More stupidity from Togafraud

I would like to say before you read this: ENM, he laid down a challenge, I really hope you mop the floor up with this dress wearing fraud.

Oh and one other thing - what a set of brass ones you have Togafraud to actually critcize someone for not having comments on their blog, when you banned me from commenting on the only blog you have that allows comments.

Thought just occurred to me - with brass balls and you wearing dresses, maybe you're suffering from rust damage. That could explain a great deal.

And I noticed that without anyone to slap him down, Robert Dingle is posting on togaidiots "presidential" blog. Post over here Dingle, the comment field is warmed up and ready. Oh wait a minute, I forgot you are a coward.

No Reader Comments on Opposition Blog

Today, I found an opposition blog that I figured might show up, if I were worth the effort. I'm flattered to see ChapmanForPresident.blogspot.com/

This is not my site, and I left the domain name open on purpose, Miss. Opponent, to see if I were worthy of an opponent. Now, when I see some comments allowed on this blog, I'll be happy to address your attacks upon me further.

He left the domain name open "on purpose". Sure togafraud, easy to say after the fact.

Gene Chapman

P.S. Where is it found that an I.Q. of 96 is low? I was told without reservation that 95 is right dead center of average. Are you sure you are using the right standard?

Dr. Arthur Jensen "Straight Talk about Mental Tests" cites the following four IQ thresholds:

1) An IQ of 50 or below. This is the threshold below which most adults cannot cope outside of an institution. They can typically be taught to read at a 3rd or 4th grade level. However, they cannot normally function in the customary classroom setting, and they require special training programs.

(2) An IQ between 50 and 75. At this level of intelligence, they generally cannot complete elementary school. Most adults will need smarter help in coping with the world.

(3) An IQ between 75 and 105. Children in this IQ range are not generally able to complete a college prep course in high school.

(4) An IQ between 105 and 115. May graduate from college but generally, not with grades that would qualify them for graduate school.

(5) An IQ above 115. No restrictions.

Correct if I'm wrong oh wise one - but 96 falls between 75 and 105, right?

And do you have anything on aptitude testing, wherein I was found to be at "genius level," according to the tester? You propose to be informed, so I'm interested in your thoughts.
Sure dickweed, I can say that I was a former Astronaut and was the Director of the CIA for several years whilst between jobs - that doesn't make it true. Much like just about everything that comes out of your mouth.


Diplomacy - Stupid Style

Or Gene TogaFraud Chapman style, which is really 2 different ways of saying the same thing:

The Checkerboard Plan The U. S. Government has had its foot on the neck of a bunch of nations for a long time. And when new blood makes it into power in Washington and starts pulling that foot up off of those necks, the people held down by that foot are gonna come up swinging anything they can find to hit us with.

Withdrawal of U. S. troops from the 130 countries from around the world where they are now sounds easy, but it will be the hardest task imaginable, for we will have to trust the whole world not to hit us with whatever they do find. If and when we decide to be good nonviolent neighbors in the world community, we will need a good distant deterrent to those who wish to do us the greatest possible harm here on America's shores in retaliation for American past Communist Aggression against them.

The Checkerboard Plan provides this distant deterrent.

The safest airplane is one where every disinterested passenger carries a loaded pistol, and the safest world is one where every disinterested nation state has equality of weaponry. When everyone is armed, everybody gets polite.

To reach this disinterested end:

1) Israel must be moved out of harm's way.

2) Respect for religious beliefs and individual property rights must be embraced in real ways by nation states.

Until then, The Checkerboard Plan is the best I can offer the world to provide enduring security during a time of U. S. troop withdrawal from the whole world.

Gene Chapman

Sunday, August 13, 2006


That was quick

Mahatma Gandhi, the man I have most often been compared to in recent years
Compared to by whom? The only one I ever hear comparing you to Ghandi is you.
worried openly that nonviolent force would not work when dealing with a Communist government, like the government we now face in the United States.
In your alternate reality, maybe!
The Communist, Gandhi mused, does not care about whether it is perceived as moral in the world; rather, it seeks ruthless economic efficiency at great cost to the individual. Gandhi wrote that he would die in the face of this evil rather then use violence against the Commuinst, but he did not lay out any absolute instruction for the rest of humanity to follow in the midst of this type of government oppression.

The 2nd Amendment is not written to protect your hunting rights nearly so much as it is intended to allow We The People of The United States to overthrow our servant government should they get too far removed from our Constitutional protections. Gandhi, I think, would approve if he were alive in present day America that the people must be able to overthrow tyrany via violent force, if need be.
No he wouldn't you friggin moron. He was non-violent, no matter how much your mentally deficient brain wants to believe otherwise. Is this another factor of your "alternate reality"?
As a student of Jesus Christ these many years, I am reminded in his Bible that "There is a time for war" and "a time to kill." There is a time when the Lamb of God becomes the Lion of The Tribe of Judah. There is a time to bleed the demon robed in flesh. There is a time to "judge and make war." There is a time for bloodbath counter revolution in the defense of Liberty.

Thus, I am left with no moral reservation about the 2nd Amendment. I support it with my whole heart.

Gene Chapman



For those that aren't aware of exactly who TogaFraud and Deadbeat are, please follow this very informative link for an explanation as to who TogaFraud is, courtesy of the so very lovely and highly intelligent ENM (the check is in the mail, right ENM?)

As to who Deadbeat is, well it would take much longer than I really want to write to explain him. Suffice it to say that he earned his nickname of "Deadbeat" when he bragged about skipping out on his student loans, forcing his mother to pay the bill. Of course, he's also a failed tax protester. Failed I say because he can't even do that right. His idiotic blog will show you all need to know about this champion loser. When you follow the link, you'll notice the page has these words "My Night to Write". What he forgot to add - and I'll do it for my humble readers - is the word "Poorly".

I myself ain't a great wordsmith, but I can ridicule stupid people. Brothers and Sisters, there isn't anything more stupid than Gene Chapman and Doug Kenline.

By the way - you'll notice that on top of my postings is two photos. The photo on the left is a recent one of TogaFraud and Deadbeat. You'll notice by the vacant expression on the moron in the foreground that he's a few bricks shy of a full wall. That's Deadbeat. In the background, looking as though he just ate a roasted pig, is none other than the failed death faster TogaFraud.

The photo on the right is TogaFraud after he exorcised the IRS building in Atlanta, GA. Yes, you did read that correctly.

Well, I intend to highlight and ridicule both of them on this blog. You may leave comments if you choose, but the life of this blog isn't dependent on them.



Doug is even more stupid that I had thought

I gave him one last chance to prevent the rebirth of the Togafraud and Deadbeat Show.

He failed the test. He deleted my comment. OK Deadbeat - prepare yourself you hindu squating piss head.


Deadbeat has taken a new tactic...

on togaprez's blog.

You see, him and Togaidiot have - for some weeks now - been attempting to ban me from leaving comments on chapmans blog with zero success. I would almost have to say it's a peek into how Chapman's presidential campaign will end. Deadbeat has pulled a page out of the "idiots guide to webmastering" and decided to simply delete my comments. There's something ironic in a "Chapman is an idiot" sort of way about someone who is supposedly running for President to be "free" - deleting my comments. Of course, he and deadbeat really are too stupid to understand the irony.

So, I've decided to copy all my comments I may make on the togatubby's blog over to here. They may delete me, but they can't stop me from cracking smartass at the idiocy that togatubby posts.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Deadbeat, like Togaidiot, appears to also be a bad marksman..

he said he banned me from the idiots presidential blog, but it didn't work.

Poor Doug.

I wonder how he feels, being dumber than Gene Chapman. Dang, that's dumb.

Deadbeat hit the ban button due to this exchange with Robert Dingle, who reappeared as soon as Togatubby started spouting off again.

Dingle made this post in the comment field of Togamorons blog:

With all due respect Mr. Buckner, you come across as an extremely rude and disrespectful person.
I replied (that reply was deleted by Deadbeat) along the lines of:

Yes Dingle, I am very disrespectful towards those such as el piece of shit-o Gene Chapman

Now, apparently, Deadbeat got his panties in a bunch and posted that he banned me and invited me to call him to "discuss" the matter.

So, I posted on Togadickless's web site - despite being banned. Because Deadbeat apparently is a bigger idiot that I had given him credit for.

That's saying a lot since I consider him on the same level of "idiotness" as Togabraindead is.

Sigh - if Deadbeat ever manages to make the ban work, I'll have to start pasting Togaasswipes posts here and having fun with them.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Recent Haloscan with togaprez

Gene made this post. A mindless repeat of tax protesting drivel and I decided to call him on it by breaking down the federal distribution of income tax.

To the best of my ability, scrolling through pages upon pages upon pages of numbers and political bloviating is not fun and I found myself zoning out at times...

Now, it's entirely possible that Gene or his slave sidekick may actually delete the haloscan thread, so I've posted it here for posterity.

As I understand it, property taxes also pay for local county Govt. So you would have no money for that and every public school closed. That doesn’t sound very good.

"The income tax pays nothing but interest to private bankers"...

Wow, I must have slept thorough that portion of the Krazy Klown Skool of Ekonomiks.

Were you to actually read something like..I don't know..the federal budget - you'd see that the crap that they feed you in tax protesting 101 is wrong.

The distribution of INCOME taxes actually goes a great deal towards military spending. If you were able to read the Budget of the United States FY 2007 with any amount of statistical knowledge, you'd see that the breakdown (sorry gene didn't mean to use the word "breakdown" and dredge up any unpleasant memories) of the income tax distribution is:

33% to Human Resources (HHS,SSA,Education,Food/Nutrition programs,HUD,Labor Dept, other)

12% to the General Fund (interest on debt 20%,Treasury, Govt. Payroll,Justice Dept, State, DHS,NASA,Judical, Legislative, Other)

6% to Physical Resources (Ag,Interior,Transportation, DHS,HUD,Commerce,Energy (non-military) EPA,NSF,ACOE,FCC,other)

30% Current Military Spending

19% to past Military (veteran benefits, plus %80 of the interest on the national debt, since a large part of the national debt stems from the military)

56.2b from General Government and
353b from Past Military goes towards the Debt. 409.2b out of an over 2 trillion dollar budget.

That's hardly "all", don't you think?

I'd be happy to see you and Bob Schultz debate.

Well it just so happens that Bob Schutlz has not declared himself a candidate for President.

You have.

You posted a baldfaced assertion that the "income tax pays nothing but interest to private bankers..." and I refuted that assertion, handily.

At this point of the process, it's incumbent on you to show where I'm wrong by use of a cogent argument, or failing that, concede that your point was fallacious.

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