The TogaFraud and Brainless Show
Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I'm finding myself increasingly amused by
They blather forth with, I have to admit, the sound of conviction, but I'm reminded of Macbeth whenever I read their posts. Should someone be unfamiliar with the Macbeth quote to which I refer (Act 5; Scene 5)
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
How do you get through to someone who believes that they're right, even despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?
Take this post on trial logs for example. Somehow the author manages to equate the trial of Irwin "Shifty" Schiff to the end times of the United States of America. After he posted, the comments were more of the same sound and fury.
I suppose you can never convince someone who wants so badly to be right about something, anything, that they will believe the most outlandish theories.
I still stand by my belief that they are morons.

Friday, September 23, 2005
O'Reilly vs. Donahue

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Latest from Genie pooh!
It appears that the new edit looks good.
The "new edit" he refers to is of the "video" he made to Fidel Castro. Here's another link to the video for your amusement.
I'm off to West Texas for a Friday delivery.I wonder how our tract passing out went in California.The tv show to 21 countries is off to the satellite company for broadcast asap.Gene.Pay for view?
I will not be attending the Alabama Tea Party on October 15th, as I am informed that the event has taken on an anti-illegal alien feel, and I don't want to get tangled into a potential race issue. My next big event is a visit to Miami on Christmas Eve to pass out the Castro videos and tracts to the Cuban people.
Remember the bold portions of the above Genie quote, I'll be referencing it in just a second.
...I want to go to Africa next Spring to see about freeing slaves in that area.
But, he doesn't "want to get tangled into a potential race issue"? I'm somewhat confused, I thought the Africans had been kidnapped from Africa and taken to the European Countries (and by extension the British Colonies later to be renamed the United States of America) and enslaved? Did I fall asleep in history class one day?
Next July 4th is the Slave Freedom Weekend Event in Washington D.C. at the Main IRS Building. Gene
What a friggin' loon. The really scary think is that he's driving a huge truck down the highways...Hope he doesn't get an endorsement to drive tanker trucks.

Irwin Schiff is as crazy as a bedbug
Listen to Irwin "Gabe Kotter" Schiff for yourself.
ps. Doug Kenline is a pussy

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Not only is Kenline a loser and a deadbeat...

Friday, September 16, 2005
The nuts on Schiff's blog are out in full force
The real trial takes place in the court of public opinion. If people are abused by government and judges for standing on their rights and stating the law, then each instance of injustice further reveals the corruption in the judiciary.
Wow, how is that for logic? By not agreeing with my torturted opinion of the law, you're corrupt.
It will soon reach a point when it won't matter how much those who spit on the tax honesty movement state that anyone who acts on the truth about the non-applicability of the income tax will ultimately lose and go to jail when it is seen by more and more Americans how those who are attempting to defend themselves from litigation are interfered with in their attempt to state their case and present evidence.In my minds eye, I see spittle flying onto the computer monitor (coupled with curious stares from the other people in the public library) when the author types this above quote.
It won't matter when more and more people see what they thought were their rights being trampled with greater and greater disregard. It won't matter when we reach the critical mass here in America of people waking up to the fact that they are having the fruits of the labor stolen from them from a government that should only exist to serve them. I think we are coming to the end of Act II of this play, where things become very hard for the protagonists. Act III is coming, and with it I intuit some very positive changes.More spittle!
Besides, its not all played out in this particular trial yet, anyway.
Won't you join me in refusing to despair and give up?
Scott 09.15.05 - 10:20 pm #
Also, Deadbeat Dougie managed to insult me on Shifty's (kenline maintained) blog.
The insult here would have had much more impact had it not been a case of him following along behind David "nutjob" Goodyear making the same type of comment. I do, however, feel complimented that one who has such intimate knowledge of being an idiot, would deign to bestow that upon someone else.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Here's an example of Shifty's "followers"
"Irwin is lovable, but somewhat confused..."
This guy is a complete -total- moron. I had to actually wipe tears from my eyes during the last 24 seconds when the "reporter" was trying to figure out how to "press one" on his cell-phone.

Banned again on the losers blog
He had been deleting my posts rather quickly for the past several days, despite nothing sinister being posted. Today, I was greeted with this gem:
Banned by webmaster. Your comments will not be added
It's not like I'm going to lose sleep over being banned by a loser, but he had been so good.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
A visit from the intellectual side of the Tax Protesting world
Hey Buckner. Go F**K yourself with Dick Cheney!
Robert Ingle 09.13.05 - 1:03 pm #
Doesn't it make you stand open-mouthed in awe when in the presence of such intellect? I think the President missed an opportunity by not nominating someone with the obvious reasoning skills of Robert Dingle to the Supreme Court. Oh, the horror!

Gene Chapman on idiot-video
The very best line is right off the get-go ,"Dear Mr. Castro as you know..."
I have to again point out - Gene has gotten well over that last "death fast".

Monday, September 12, 2005
I have been very remiss it seems.

I have been remiss!
I picked up an application for a pass port for my planned trip to Africa next year to free slaves there, and I was shocked to see on its back page that the IRS has all these stipulations about people wanting a pass port. Tell me it's not slavery! I dare you. Gene.
I can't even read the first line of that entry without laughing. What a maroon he is.
In reference to the IRS "requirements" on the passport application. Here it is, what exactly constitutes "slavery" in requiring your SSN?
DS-11 Instruction Page 3 of 4
Section 6039E of the Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 6039E) requires you to provide your Social Security Number (SSN), if you have one, when you apply for a U.S. passport or renewal of a U.S. passport. If you have not been issued a SSN, enter zeros in box #5 of this form. If you are residing abroad, you must also provide the name of the foreign country in which you are residing. The U.S. Department of State must provide your SSN and foreign residence information to the Department of Treasury. If you fail to provide the information, you are subject to a $500 penalty enforced by the IRS. All questions on this matter should be directed to the nearest IRS office.
Gene, it's not slavery.