
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

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Monday, September 12, 2005


I have been remiss!

Yes, remiss. I've tried to ignore Togafraud and this is what happens. His latest post on his fake blog:

I picked up an application for a pass port for my planned trip to Africa next year to free slaves there, and I was shocked to see on its back page that the IRS has all these stipulations about people wanting a pass port. Tell me it's not slavery! I dare you. Gene.

I can't even read the first line of that entry without laughing. What a maroon he is.

In reference to the IRS "requirements" on the passport application. Here it is, what exactly constitutes "slavery" in requiring your SSN?

DS-11 Instruction Page 3 of 4
Section 6039E of the Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 6039E) requires you to provide your Social Security Number (SSN), if you have one, when you apply for a U.S. passport or renewal of a U.S. passport. If you have not been issued a SSN, enter zeros in box #5 of this form. If you are residing abroad, you must also provide the name of the foreign country in which you are residing. The U.S. Department of State must provide your SSN and foreign residence information to the Department of Treasury. If you fail to provide the information, you are subject to a $500 penalty enforced by the IRS. All questions on this matter should be directed to the nearest IRS office.

Gene, it's not slavery.

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