
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Sunday, July 30, 2006


From Gene's "presidential" website.

This shows what kind of low-life snake in the grass this piece of shit really is:

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Remove this
when done, Dougf
All the pictures you posted make it impossible for my
computer to work. Also, the new song I want to try for the site is, "Basics of
Love," by Whalin Jennings and Willie Nelson. I want to find out if we can rent a
po box in Luchenboch Texas too. Do they have a zip code? Spelling is all wrong,
I'm sure. Please delete this post once read. GeneAlso, I can't cut and past
where I am so please block the trouble maker, Buckner, for me, Doug. Gene

Friday, July 28, 2006


Gene is trying to ban me...

from his "presidential" website, but like a poor marksman he keeps missing the target.

He whined when I wasn't asking him "questions", so I started asking questions. He hasn't answered a single one, but is intent on having Dougie show him how to ban me. Geej, if I didn't know better, I'd say Genie was mad at me. :)

Heck, he even sent a letter to the FB-Eye about me. I wonder if picking on a short bus kid is a federal offense? It's quite possible that I inadvertently violated the "Retarded Toga Wearing Building Exorcising Mental Patient Protection Act of 2006" by my comments. I await a visit from the jack-booted thugs to take me away to a locked dungeon in punishment for this terrible, terrible deed.

Or not. I sort of figure the FBI agent will be chuckling a great deal over TogaIdiots letter - assuming he actually opens it (I'm fairly confident it'll be irradiated first).

I think I'll now dub the toga wearing idiot "togaprez" in honor of his running for the office of CEO of the United States of America Inc.

How did that flabby little bastard discover the truth? There'll be investigations, count on it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


"Economics" Is The Job Presidents Do

The one field I feel most capable in is that of Economics. This blog will allow me to share, as a kind of job application, that I feel I deserve the nomination for both President of The United States, Inc. and President of The United States of America in the Libertarian, Constitution and Southern Parties.

My economics training consists of several university level classes, where I remember making nothing lower than an "A." (Grades will be presented on all my studies at a later date.)

Later, I studied the ideas of Mr. Warren Buffett in great detail, including his Columbia University professor, Ben Graham and others. David Clark, co-author of the renown book entitled, "Buffettology," by Mary Buffett and David Clark, was a boy in the neighborhood with Mr. Buffett's children, who grew up to become a lawyer in Omaha and taught me on the internet for a couple of years the things he learned in the Buffett home about microeconomic theory. He became my entrance into the "Buffettville' community.

Mr. Buffett actually took time out of his day a couple of times in 1998 to write me and slap me on the back concerning my work, but he made clear that he was not offering an endorsement, as his endorsement means millions to a young investor, and Buffett doesn't like to get involved in other people's money matters.

It was this economic study that led me to study the personal income tax issue for which I am now known so well. If I was good "Buffettville" people, I thought, then I should do well in tax law. This journey led me to discover that there are a range of serious problems with tax laws. We will explore this in the future. Gene Chapman


***edited on 7-27 by author. Purpose to add ENM's debunking of Gene's education***

ENM, if you're reading this, do you think you could dig up those posts you did on Gene's educational claims? I lost it when the first incarnation of this blog was fragged. If you can, let me know and I'll post them here.

Gene claims to have spent 10 years in university study at three different universities: Baylor, Dallas Baptist, and Tabernacle. He claimed he had a $104,000 scholarship to Baylor. He also claimed he attended seminary.

Guess what?

He attended Baylor from summer 1992 - fall 1993 (one year). He was not on scholarship. He majored in pre-law, minor in philosophy. At one point his declared major was pre-med, but none of his classes reflected that major.

He attended Dallas Baptist from May 1991 - May 1992 (one year). He majored in Biology.

Tabernacle had never even heard of him despite a manual records search.

So we have only two confirmed years of college, no degrees in anything, and no seminary studies.

He claimed that he had been determined to be a musical genius while at Dallas Baptist. According to their records, he took "Piano for Beginners", and that was the only music class he ever took.

He then said that he lived in a monastic setting for 9 years. When that was questioned, he stated that his truck is a rolling monastery. Um, yeah.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Oh the joy, the joy of it all ~!!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006
Gene Chapman Platform For Running For Libertarian, Constitution, And Southern Party Presidential Nomination

A) Right to keep and bear arms to be as common as the right to breathe oxygen.

B) To protect 1st Amendment Religious Liberty, abolish all ten planks of "The Communist Manifesto" and associated communist activities.

Re: "But Commuinsm abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion and all morality" ("The Communist Manifesto," p. 242, Penguin Classics Edition).

Ten Planks of "The Communist Manifesto":
1. Property taxes and Eminent Domain Laws.
2. Income Taxes.
3. Inheritance Taxes.
4. Confiscation of Property from Emigrants and Those The Government Dislikes.
5. Federal Reserve Banking to Empower Deficit Spending.
6. FCC and Interstate Commerce Commission.
7. Farm Controls.
8. WPA, CCC and Peace Corps.
9. Population Control Laws.
10. Secular Public Schools.

C) Right to life of the unborn child to be the same as any other human life in America.

D) Right to die with dignity at one's own choosing protected.

E) Abolish state sanctioned marriage, making gay marriage a moot issue, while putting marriage back into the hands of the individual, church and God where it belongs.

F) Shut down all state camera and GPS chip monitoring of our people; highways, street corners, etc., as a matter of personal liberty.

G) Break down barriers between Libertarian, Constitution and Southern Parties for cross support of pro-constitution candidates and possible unification, while working to educate Socialism out of the Democrates, Republicans and Green Party.

H) Tear down substantial sections of Bureau of Land Management fencing and build bike paths and walkways throughout America so the people may enjoy their country again and travel more freely.

I) Appoint a White House Commission to examine the "9/11 Controlled Demolition Evidence," as such prominent credentialed experts/ professors are now demanding this attention. (MIT Doctoral Candidate Rick Raijter: Campaign's "9/11 Advisor").

J) Do away with the Death Penalty and replace it with the removal of all body parts involved in the commission of a violent crime, releasing the person back into society once healed.

K) Place Illegal Immigration under the control of local sherriff's, and fund them. Invite Mexico and Canada into the union if they like, then impose a one year county jail term on illegal aliens, picking up trash on our highways before deportation.

L) To restore benevolence functions to the church and the individual where it belongs and stop state control of our personal lives, shut down all Social Security Administration activities, returning all monies paid in plus 10% compounded interest.

M) The King Solomon Solution: As King Solomon proposed the division of the item in dispute between two people while allowing neither the upper hand, so I propose that the international community buy out the Jews and Palestinians and move their land on barges to opposite ends of the earth to shut down the conflict. This will allow a two state solution at a distance. It is the only solution short of unending war between the parties that does not seem to me to violate the religions of any party.

N) As a matter of improved highway safety and transportation utilization, lower all highway grades by 2%; increase 14 hour rule trucking violation fines to $3,000 for each day, to be split between the driver, the trucking company and the shipper evenly.

O) Abolish voluuntary servitude coersion by the U. S. Government by passing the Slave Freedom Amendment.

Gene Chapman

posted by Chapman For President 08 | 4:48 PM | 0 comments
About Gene Chapman

Gene Chapman has been a tireless advocate of individual rights for many years.

Gene was featured at givemeliberty.org on May 20, 2003 while doing a death fast in front of the IRS building in Ausin, Texas.

posted by Chapman For President 08 | 4:38 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Gene Chapman Announces Bid For Presidency

Gene Chapman announced today that he would seek the nomination for President from the Libertarian Party, Constitution Party, and Southern Party.

Stay tuned for more news here at this blog as it develops.

posted by Chapman For President 08 | 1:23 PM | 2 comments

The above diatribe(s) are from Chapman's blog announcing his *cough* 2008 Presidential run. Truthfully, I don't believe I'm able to intentionally create humor that can surpass the wholly unintentional humor these postings have managed to bring forth. I save these postings to chronicle for future generations why they must ~ must ~ just say "no" to drugs - except in Gene's case, he should have continued on the thorazine therapy.


For future reference...

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