
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Just returned from Vacation

Spent a week in what is probably the most beautiful city in North America. Victoria, BC.

Victoria BC

Temps in the 70's. Ahh, then back to my scorching desert life.

Praying for those in Mississippi and New Orleans.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Jamie W. Jackson's blog

I'm going to try a new feature. Here's a weekly dose of a blog written by a whack-job. I figure all I have to do is follow links off dead-beats blog, or trial log blog and this will be easy. Idiots galore.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Deadbeat is guzzling the kool-aid

Kids, Just say NO!

Joe Banister

Great American hero.


The Larken Rose trial was a travesty of justice.

Free Dick Simkanin.



He's repeated the above 17 times in a row on his blog. 17 times. Poor Kenline, he hung his "press" hat on the 861 argument and prayed for Mulletboy to win. He hasn't a clue what to do next. Back to toking and repeating posts on his blog. Perhaps he'll start giving dinner and bowel movement reports once again.

The only "travesty" was that the Government only charged him with 5 misdemeanors. He should have been charged with promoting a tax scam (or whatever the charge would be) and locked up. Just think of the number of weak minded fools like Kenline are out there eating this crap up.

Picture of deadbeat loser at the top of this entry!

Friday, August 12, 2005


No surprise - Larken Rose guilty of all counts!

A Philadelphia jury August 12 convicted section 861 proponent Larken Rose for not filing back taxes, bolstering the IRS's efforts to fight ongoing doubts about the validity of the code. Former IRS agent turned anti-tax advocate Joseph R. Banister walked away from a similar tax fraud indictment earlier this summer (for coverage, see Doc 2005-13738 or 2005 TNT 121-1), a legal coup heralded by leaders of the so-called tax honesty movement as confirmation their controversial views are gaining ground. Rose was charged with willfull failure to file after refusing to submit federal returns from 1998 through 2002

He has openly admitted to not filing federal or state taxes since 1997 and has actively invited goverment prosecution since at least 2001. The conviction could land Rose in prison for up to five years (one year per count). He was placed under house arrest until his sentencing on November 15.

His wife and business partner, Tessa R. David, will face the same charges in a separate criminal proceeding tentatively set to begin as early as August 19. Rose has for years raised questions as to whether specific foreign sourcing rules trump the broader income filing requirements. He maintains that the current system misconstrues gross and taxable income -- a distinction which he claims places domestic earnings outside the reach of the existing income tax structure -- and insists the Service has never adequately refuted his interpretation of 861 regulations. The prosecution team split their time between establishing that Rose and David received enough income from their home-based medical transcription business during the years in question to warrant filing a return (IRS records project joint earnings of approximately $500, 000 across the five-year timeframe), and chronicling a half-dozen instances when IRS officials attempted to convince Rose about the limited scope of the 861 provision.

During the trial, various IRS agents testified that the 861 rule
Pennsylvania Tax Detractor Convicted for Not Reporting Back Taxes
A Philadelphia jury August 12 convicted section 861 proponent Larken Rose for not filing back taxes, bolstering the IRS's efforts to fight ongoing doubts about the validity of the code. Former IRS agent turned anti-tax advocate Joseph R. Banister walked away from a similar tax fraud indictment earlier this summer (for coverage, see Doc 2005-13738 or 2005 TNT 121-1), a legal coup heralded by leaders of the so-called tax honesty movement as confirmation their controversial views are gaining ground.
Rose was charged with willfull failure to file after refusing to submit federal returns from 1998 through 2002. He has openly admitted to not filing federal or state taxes since 1997 and has actively invited goverment s apply specifically to the calculation of foreign tax credits. Assistant United States Attorney Floyd J. Miller introduced a string of IRS notices and other official correspondence amassed by Rose as proof he knew the 861 position was invalid, but noted that Rose chose not to file anyway. Miller also touted a number of adverse district and tax court rulings which Rose had been a party to as additonal justification that his 861 position was flawed. "This is a case about a man who doesn't want to pay his fair share," Miller argued, and lampooned the one-time groundskeeper for holding himself out as the "supreme interpreter of the internal revenue code." While acknowledging that the judiciary had considered aspects of his 861 position, Rose stressed that the recent decisions failed to counter his understanding of the underlying income statutes. "I was told by the judges that domestic income is taxable. I was told by the law that it wasn't," he stated, adding, "I want to be convinced by evidence, not an assertion."

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Larken Rose

is another tax protesting idiot. He's currently on trial in Philadelphia for willful failure to file his tax returns. He sends out emails to his "supporters", mostly begging for money. However, in a few, he actually sounded shocked that the Government would prosecute him. This despite posting on several web sites and a few desperate newspapers around the country, this little gem:

Dear Federal Government,


I, Larken Rose, have not filed a federal income tax return for 1997 or any subsequent year. This is not because I am protesting any law, or because I do not want to pay my "fair share"; it is because I refuse to be a victim of the biggest financial fraud in history. I also refuse to remain silent while government lawyers illegally defraud my fellow Americans.

People by the thousands are learning that the "conventional wisdom" about the federal income tax is just plain wrong. As more and more Americans are discovering that the law itself shows that the income of most Americans is NOT TAXABLE, DOJ and IRS officials are desperately trying to distract from the issue by dishonestly portraying it as a frivolous "tax protestor" argument and by trying to silence (via court injunctions) those who publicize the issue. This summary shows why the IRS and the DOJ refuse to have an open, honest discussion about what the government's own regulations say:

Point 1: The federal income tax applies only to one's "taxable income," not to all income, and the income tax regulations (e.g. 26 CFR §§ 1.861-1(a)(1) , 1.861-8(a)(1) , 1.863-1(c) ) clearly show that one's taxable domestic income is to be determined under the rules of 26 USC § 861(b) and the related regulations beginning at 26 CFR § 1.861-8. (Other sections explain when income from outside of the U.S. is taxable.)

Point 2: So why does it matter whether we use those sections to determine our taxable domestic income? Because more than 80 years of statutory and regulatory history prove beyond any doubt that 26 USC § 861(b) and 26 CFR § 1.861-8 show income to be taxable only when it comes from certain types of international or foreign commerce. In other words, contrary to what "everyone knows," most Americans do not receive taxable income and do not owe federal income taxes.

IRS employees across the country refuse to honestly address the issue, and instead resort to threats, evasions, and accusations, because their own law books expose the biggest financial fraud in history: the deliberate misrepresentation and misapplication of the federal income tax to the public.

[See www.taxableincome.net and www.861evidence.com for more information. For the nationwide pattern of Gestapo-like tactics by the IRS/DOJ against those who speak the truth is shown in detail at www.Theft-By-Deception.com/declaration.html.]

I will not stand by and allow myself, my family and my neighbors to be extorted simply because some power-happy bureaucrats huff and puff about all the nasty things they will do to anyone who does not "comply" with the IRS' misapplication of the law. To the DOJ and the IRS I say this: You know I am among the most vocal about this issue.

Stop terrorizing the American public, and come get me. Make an "example" of me. Surely if my position is "frivolous" and completely devoid of merit, then the DOJ attorneys can easily refute my position in front of a jury, and have me convicted and imprisoned. (I'm not exactly hiding, am I?) You already have what would be "Exhibit A" in my defense: my Theft By Deception video. So take your best shot.



It's time for the fraud to end.

The above notice has run in the following publications:
The Honolulu Advertiser (8/27/02, page B5)
The Idaho Observer (8/13/02, page 14)
The Texas City Sun (8/18/02, page 15A)


On August 14th and 15th, 2002, approximately 900 print-outs of the
above notice were handed out in front of the IRS and Department of
Justice buildings in Washington DC, including hundreds of copies being
personally handed to IRS and DOJ employees.


Mr. Rose's challenge to the DOJ was also mentioned in an article in the
New York Times (by David Cay Johnston) on 9/5/02, though that article
incorrectly stated that Mr. Rose is trying to prove that the tax laws
are "invalid," which is not at all the case.


The following papers refused to run the above flier, even as a paid ad:

Dallas Morning News
Great Falls Tribune
Idaho Statesman
The Kansas City Star
The St. Petersburg Times
The Tampa Tribune

I'm reminded of that little adage about being careful what you wish for. The trial is currently in day 3 with Rosie still on the stand. I predict a guility verdict by Tuesday next week at the latest. Friday at the earliest.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Gene the magazine publishing machine

Sunday, August 07, 2005
About an hour ago here at the truck stop where I'm staying (I-78 x10 in Pennsylvania), I met and shook hands with the actor who played the President of The United States in the movie,"Independence Day." Really nice guy. Gene.

I'm sure a visit with Gene Chapman made him re-think his career choices.

We are talking among the group of tax honesty leaders I run with about putting together the "World Domination Magazine,"

Who let the dogs out? Who Who Who? The "World Domination Magazine"? I think his delusions of grandeur are showing again.

... exploring the religous, political and economic ideas that define the world.

Yes, I often say to myself that we need to have more toga-wearing self immolating truck drivers exploring the religious, political and economic ideas that define the world. Damn (slaps his forehead) that was my idea, I should have filed for a patent!

I have in mind to make it a quarterly publication for now and mail it to all heads of state in the world, all United Nations representatives and all Council on Foreign Relations members for now. It will be patterned after the look ot "People Magazine" with lots of close up pictures, lots of essays,etc.

C a n ' t S p e a k

The first publication will cover either interracial marriage with interviews of Jessy Jackson, David Duke and Dr. Bob Jones III, etc. Or, it will be in the Federal Reserve System: Is it Moral and Practical In Our World? The author of "The Creature From Jykell Island" and Alan Greespan would be invited to write and unedited essay, etc.On another topic, I have a few good quotes from "The Communist Manifesto" for you all:"But Communism abbolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality . . . ." (p.242).The Proletarian's or Communist's "mission is destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual property" (p.232)."Communists . . . labour everywhere for the union and agreement of democratic parties of all countries" (p. 258).These will make some fine yard signs to hammer the Democrats in the next election cycle. gene

Interviewing "Jessy" Jackson and David Duke on interracial marriage? Hmm, wonder what their opinion will be? TogaFraud's meds have, without any doubt, worn off.


I'm back...

I have been going crazy without responding to Gene and Kenline. No more.

I am back, but I do have ground-rules this time. Listen carefully, I won't repeat this.

  1. No comments that can be considered "stalking" in nature will be allowed. Fair warning, those will be deleted without comment and without mercy.

That's it. Beyond that, I stick to my "no censorship" rule that I had before.

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