
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Gene is one paranoid piece of shit

as this audio blog reveals. He thinks a trucker tried to run him off the road, must be a vast IRS conspiracy. Hey Gene, think about it, if he had run you off the road and your truck caught on fire, you'd get your wish. See, always a silver lining.

In the audio blog, brainless said that Gene is safe from the IRS, because they don't like to "face a man". I'm confused, why would that stop them from facing Chapman? It's so frigging funny to hear Brainless rail against people who pay their taxes - didn't he enter an agreement with the IRS?

Brainless castigated IRS for doing everything where they "don't have to face a man" - this from Brainless, who does everything from behind a keyboard. What a maroon.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I posted a comment

on Gene's assine blog. In that post I asked him to please provide that link that I threatened him. I also posted under my name.

The post was deleted and in it's place was a post by "Bearclaw" praising Gene Chapman.

Hmm, evidence that "Bearclaw" is really Brainless. I mean Kenline, but I suppose Brainless is actually another way of saying Kenline.


Deadbeat posting on Chapman's "presidential" blog under various names.

I actually started to title this post "making a mockery of Chapman's campaign", but since Gene is already a mockery in his own right, that title wouldn't have been accurate.

Kenline has posted as (at least)


I'm pretty sure he's also posted as "Anon", but there's at least 3 that post under that handle, so it's hard to figure out which is which.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


As usual, Gene fails to answer

I posted on the 18th of this month requesting that Gene Chapman link to the post wherein I threatened violence against him.

Not a peep from the rotund one. Like 99.9% of what comes out of Chapman's mouth, his claim that I threatened violence against him is a lie.

I knew it was a lie, now so do you.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Chapman Challenger

There's a new blog, Chapman Challenger ( who had a link to my blog, but took it down!! If they took it down due to Gene's wrong statements that I have threatened violence against him, they are so off the mark)

Chapman made a stupid statement yet again on that blog. Here's what the rotund one had to say:

P. S. Frank Buckner is being watched by the FBI and the Libertarian Party during my visit to Las Vegas, during the LP debates, as he is a self described "satanist" who hates Christians and threatend violence against me about a year or two ago on Doug Kenline's website.

You're making good friends, Conservative2008. Elfno is an IRS employee, I understand.

I responded with this:

**chuckle** You never cease to crack me up Gene. I do believe you've been put on this earth to amuse me, you're doing a bang-up job.

By the way. Please feel free to link to my alleged statement that threatened violence against you. Since there isn't one, tell you what, you link to it and I'll put that link in a post on my blog. How 'bout that? Heck, I'll put that link in the link section of my blog, naming it "Frank threatened Gene". Is that crickets I hear?

ENM an IRS employee? Oh, if only you knew how stupid you look.

I mean it. I will link to this alleged post. I would never knowingly threaten someone as fully brain damaged as Chapman so clearly is, with physical violence.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Doug calls me a coward?

Gene says on this audioblog that I threatened his life.

What a lying piece of shit you are Gene, but that's not really a secret,is it? Hey Gene, I still haven't heard from your FBI "handler" about your letter. Hmm, wonder why.

On another note, I have a new link to another blog that takes Gene Chapman to task for his terminal stupidity.

One more note. On Gene's myspace page, I noticed a truth that was so pure it had to be unintentional. Here it is, a direct cut and paste from his myspace page:

Gene has 0 friends.

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