
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Monday, November 20, 2006


I think I'd like to - for just a moment - see the world from Chapman's point of view...

except I find I can't get my head that far up my ass. Here's the latest from the blob's blog:

Chapman Meeting With David Nolan

I just got off the phone with David Nolan, founder of the Libertarian Party. Before we even got started on our meeting plans for tonight, he informed me that the chances of him endorsing me are "about zero," and that he plans to support Kubby. (Congratulations to Steve Kubby for winning the LP nomination without one vote being cast.) He also will not drive very far across Tucson to meet with me. Well, my meeting was planned to get together to discuss unification of the third parties and pick his brain.

I'm note sure I can tollerate such arrogance before I even meet a person, so I'll probably just let him go his way. I'm sure to put a verbal foot in his rear, if he didn't show some respect real quick at a meeting. I'm as good as the next man and have turned down opportunities to be in places most successful people couldn't get in to. Fake arrogance if funny but real arrogance just makes me mean.

Gene Chapman

"pick his brain" :) I suppose Gene has to get one from somewhere!

"I'm as good as the next man" - only if the "next man" is Deadbeat and even that's questionable. At least Deadbeat has the "too much ganja effecting his brain" as an excuse.

I especially love the arrogant "..I've turned down opportunities"...blah blah - right before spouting off about arrogance. What a turd bucket Chapman is.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The 2006 Mid Term Elections:

My own county (Clark County Nevada) had a turn out just shy of 56% of the registered voters. The sad part is my initial reaction to reading the turnout percentages, was "hey, that's pretty good". Then I started thinking, "what about the 44% that failed to vote?" How hard is it to request an absentee ballot? They were practically giving applications away inside each Happy Meal.

I heard it from some of my co-workers: "both sides are useless, why even bother to vote". That's the attitude the people "in charge" want to foster. If both Republicans and Democrats could have only their loyal base vote, they'd be in pork heaven. No. The ones that make their decisions based on the issues, rather than which "politican R us" figurehead of the day is better coifed. Those are the ones that truly keep the political process alive...but they are fading, they are becoming disillusioned with the whole process. That is truly a shame.

The Dems have taken over control of the House and are hinging on taking control of the Senate. 2 races that will probably head into recount.

The Democrats will find this is a mixed blessing. Perhaps even a case of being careful what you wish for.

There is now 2 years available for the Democrats to prove wrong the Republicans who called them a party of no ideas. Because some of the people are still watching. If we have 2 years of Nancy Pelosi screeching and running Star Chamber inquiries into everything under the sun - There will not be a Democrat in the White House in 2008. 2 years for the Democrats to avoid shooting themselves in the foot.

I don't see it happening.

The same dissatisfaction that bounced some of the Republicans from their cozy seats will claim the Democrats in 08 if they walk down the path that Pelosi and Reid want them to go. Will the conservative freshman House Members break ranks? Only time will tell.

On a final note. I am truly grateful that my fellow Citizens of Nevada remembered Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker and her breach of the public trust by ruling the way she did in the Guinn decision and removed her from office. Well Done!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Chapman refuses to vote

Gene Chapman, oh rotund one, who is humorously "running" for President of The United States - has refused to participate in the 2006 mid-term electoral process.

His "reasoning" for not voting is predictably sophomoric.

On a different note. Togatubby bad mouthed the "Tax Prof Blog" for banning him from leaving comments. Yes, you read that right. That be the same Togatubby that has banned me from leaving comments on his blog. The irony meter has gotta be off the scale. When another left a comment on togaidiots blog pointing out that he too engages in banning - this is the reply he left:

I've blocked two people in all my years on the net. Both were just being ugly and directing the conversation to unimportant juvinile areas.
gene chapman 11.01.06 - 10:53 am

For the record, I have no idea what a "juvinile" area may be, but I always disagreed with the portly prick and made no bones about it.

Being banned from his blog does not mean I still can't ridicule the rotund retard.

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