
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Friday, January 27, 2006


Dougie is back - again

Yes, good ol' Dougie has resurfaced. Apparently, his "lawmaker" blog wasn't generating the attention he so craves. I'm not entirely sure why he's taken this time to come back - unless Gene Chapman was tiring of not having a cheerleader. This return may only last until he receives his first negative comment, in which case he'll go bonzo again. I wonder if he's still in compliance with this agreement with the IRS?

Think about it. These 2 bozos have been overshadowed recently by the Larken and Tessa Rose trial, followed by Irwin Schiff. The only way Togadude could hope to regain any publicity would be to actually light himself on fire, while in the midst of yet another "death" fast.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Hmm, wonder what the postage will be?  Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006


To A2

Here it is puke. Show me you're not Bobby Sue by leaving a comment. If you do, I will apologize on triallogs, and here. IF I don't see a post in about a week, I'll know the truth, Bobby Sue.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I think we should declare my township of Laughlin, Nevada as...

a "mayonaise" town.

That's right, I said it.

White, nothing but white.

Let the teeth gnashing begin...but wait, how come that offended you? I didn't say anything different than what New Orleans "mayor" Nagin said. ("mayor" is in quotation marks and a small "m" because his actually being a "mayor" is open for serious debate ~ I myself believe he's nothing but an incompetent race baiting prick, but that's just my humble opinion)

Don't believe me? Here's a link to the video file.

Friday, January 13, 2006


If you repeat something long enough and loud enough - it becomes a "truth".

Here's in interesting link to a commentary that sheds some light on the Pelosi and Friends charges that Bush "lied".

Sunday, January 01, 2006


The end of 2005

Wow. This year seemed to fly by. Some interesting things happening on this blog. The first incarnation was killed by me due to a huge misunderstanding. Let me straighten it out. I had a commenter "FKATP" that was probably stalking another of my posters "ElfNino'sMom". I had promised to never censor a comment as I felt they were just words and, hey sticks and stones, right?


There was some back and forth between "FKATP" and "ENM" about the stalking and I finally stepped in and said "It's not funny, give it a rest 'T' ". Well, I happen to know the true name of ENM and I guess her son must have known that as well. He assumed that when I said "T", I was speaking to his mother. (FKATP- figure it out for yourself, I would never compromise ENM's identity by alluding to any part of her name without her permission.) While I have no problem with a son defending his mom, I do have a problem with knee-jerk reactions (of which I am just as guilty as subsequent events proved) and quite frankly, it pissed me off. I as much said so in my comment field and then I got dressed down for that by Demo. I deserved the dressing down as my comment was knee-jerk, but damn you could have PM'd me and asked for a clarification. So, feeling somewhat abashed, I murdered my blog. I didn't just bring it down, I murdered it to the point where I couldn't resurrect it at all. I had to rename the blog (url-wise). Ever since then, I really haven't had the heart to post quite the same way. I look at TogaFraud and feel pity instead of amusement. Kenline? Did he ever really exist?

As a New Years Resolution, I hereby apoligize to ENM for any misunderstanding my posts may have caused. Happy 2006.

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