
The TogaFraud and Brainless Show

Welcome back to the TogaFraud and Coward Show. There had been a long hiatus due to the fact that these two had been so boring for so long. Well, Kenline is still censoring (read deleting) comments that are critical of his butt buddy TogaFraud. Laugh along, won't you?

Saturday, October 29, 2005


~Off Topic~

I couldn't believe it when I heard that a man by the name of Kamau Kambon, a Black former college professor, while speaking in North Carolina - actually advocated - called - for the "extermination of white people" from the face of the Earth. Here's mp3 excerpts of his "speech".






The "speech" was televised on C-Span, but (suprisingly -not) the link is now dead.

I found a link to the actual video of the speech. 9:12 long. Here's a link to the video.


This "man" shouldn't be allowed to enter a college, much less give a speech that students listen to. What a disgrace for the black community.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Gene advocates violence...

and then again, in the second post, threatens the world with his death. Yawn.

As I look over the Irwin Schiff and Dick Simkanin status, I am compelled to remind our people that God does open one door to violence in His name. Judges 3 contains a story of a man raised up to kill a king for all God's reasons and by His command.

A group of ministerial students in Germany discussed and got close with a pistol on one occasion to killing Hitler based on the Judges 3 theology. I'm not telling you to use violence, but I can't in conscience tell you not to use all Biblical options in the matter of your freedom from slavery and the mark of the beast.


Sounds to me like the "minister" is advocating violence.

I am preparing for a meeting Sunday about the future of the church. We have invited several respected pastors to attend. The visit to Miami to deal with Fidel Castro is in place for Christmas eve. I will be attempting to gain a pass port in coming weeks to see about getting to Africa to purchase Christians out of slavery this coming May, bring them to the U.S., educate them and let them return home to free their people, if possible.

We have several options if the class action fails to get off the ground, but they all end with me dead. God, you must come through. Free our people, Lord, in Jesus'


I thought that whole passport thing was sidelined due to having to supply a SSN on the application?

October 28, 2005

Update On Slave Freedom/ Mark of The Beast Class Action Law Suit

1) I have a letter from Pat Robertson's camp indicating what I refer to as a "be thou warmed and filled" letter concerning my invitation to join the suit. Lots of blessings for our work but no muscle behind it.

2) Christian Abolitionist Leader Richard Simkanin writes from Federal Prison in Texarkana, Texas, where he is being held for attempting to free slaves in Texas and refusal to be an "enslaver" (see: andrapodistes.blogspot.com). He is so frustrated with the justice system that he sees no solutions to be found it a law suit, based on his experiences.

3) The IRS is attempting to close our church in South Carolina for our theological focus on slave freedom (the "gospel of liberty to the captives") and the mark of the beast.

Gene Chapman


Breaking news!

Jeff Quinn
Special to the Bonanza
October 28, 2005

Well, well, well. Let's see - this week it came to light that it's not only us who are "enslaved" to the system which, some would say, seeks to perpetuate fraud against the American people, in the form of the Constitution and the country's related tax laws. We guess the jury of ordinary folk (not to mention Nevada District Court Judge Dawson) which found tax scofflaw Irwin Schiff guilty (again) has also been hoodwinked all these years by the illegal shenanigans foisted upon all of us by the IRS, Congress and God knows who else, in perpetrating the tax laws of this land.

Or could it be, simply, that once again the ridiculous and inane arguments proffered by Schiff, his codefendant losers and others out there are simply the vacuous ruminations of people with either too much time on their hands, or folks who have truly lost their way when it comes to rational debate within the structure of laws which govern us all?

That's probably why a Federal jury in Las Vegas, this week, convicted Schiff and two associates of aiding and assisting in the preparation of false income tax returns filed by other taxpayers, and convicted Schiff on all counts, including income tax evasion and of filing false income tax returns for the years 1997 through 2002. This makes Schiff a three time loser when it comes to tax offenses. He faces the potential of a very long time in the slammer, and the payment of hefty monetary penalties.

It's more than simply arguing over whether the Internal Revenue Code could pass muster in a high school English class, for the manner in which it defines "gross income." It just comes down to the fact that even though we may not like all of the rules which bind us, in this free country, it is an obligation on us all to either live by them, or go about changing them within the parameters prescribed by the system.

Does that mean that law-abiding citizens are all "slaves?" We think not. Does it mean that folks with a legitimate gripe shouldn't have access to the judicial system? No, of course not. But what it does mean, we believe, is that at some level, the shrill bleats of folks whose often absurd, and seemingly endless protestations should be exposed for what they are. And if that means harsh punishment should be imposed, then so be it. The fact is that most law-abiding taxpayers probably aren't too happy about the fact that somebody (namely, them) had to make up the more than $2 million in taxes evaded by Schiff from 1979 to 1985, according to evidence put forth in the recent trial. Not to mention whatever unknown amount of taxes went unpaid by the legions of other Schiff lemmings who bought into the Schiff programs (to the tune of $4.2 million in books, tapes, and related products sold by Schiff's "Freedom Books" business) which espoused the reporting of zero taxable income, based on meritless, frivolous legal theories.

Nobody we know thinks the tax laws are the paragon of perfection. Fact is, most of us don't like them at all. But our respect goes to folks whose reform efforts are expended within the legitimate system. Those who do nothing more than dream up ludicrous, inane arguments, and blow smoke at the rest of us, in the form of accusations ranging from stupidity to professional cronyism do nothing to advance legitimate debate, and only get in the way of progress toward reform.

Schiff reports that he's "done more research on the income tax law than any Federal judge in this country." We guess all that research comes up just a little short.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Where did Dougie go?

Deadbeat (link on the left - deadbeats completely moronic blog) has disappeared once again from the "blogosphere". He did this once before, when he caved in to "the evil minions of the IRS" over his back taxes. Of course, it didn't last. He simply prepared a new pitcher of kook-aid and came back roaring (?) with a new take on the tax protesting, "cracking the code" is the ticket, yeah that's it. Of course, he's unable to comprehend that he's a total idiot, which makes making fun of him - fun.

Irwin Schiff became his cause o' the day when Schiff was prosecuted for about a zillion violations of the tax laws of the United States (or united States). He once again climbed onto his "ban" wagon and banned me from commenting on his blog (historical note: Kenline's banning of me is what began this blog in it's first incarnation) when I asked a simple little question regarding Schiff "Do you think his prison number will be all zeroes?" Some people have no sense of humor.

Now, with Schiff being found guilty, Dougie has gone once again into hiding. I'd say good riddance, but damn, he's so stupid that he's fun to have around, you know?

Monday, October 24, 2005


Irwin Schiff verdict: GUILTY!

This is the verdict:

Irwin Schiff

Count 1 Conspiracy to defraud the US Guilty
Counts 2 - 5 Aiding and assisting in the filing of false federal income tax returnsGuilty
Count 6 Aiding and assisting in the filing of a false federal income tax return Guilty
Count 17 Attempt to evade and defeat payment of tax Guilty
Counts 18-23 Filing false federal income tax returns Guilty

Reportedly, they found him guilty on Count 7, even though that was a charge against Neun and not Schiff. The report was from Angela Stark, so considering the source, I'm sure the Count 7 report is less than reliable.

As to be expected, triallogs is going totally bananas over the verdict. They've been setting up their spin almost since the beginning of the trial. "Judge Dawson was biased..." "Judge Dawson is under the control of the IRS, or NWO, or UN or "Aliens from Outer Space..." and my personal favorite "The Government put a plant on the jury". To what end, I haven't quite figured out. Just a quick perusal of his web-site shows that Schiff is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. The poor jury that had to spend weeks with him - in person - had to see the idiocy of his "argument" from the get-go.

As to them finding him guilty, I have only this to say:


Friday, October 21, 2005


Poor, poor "Dr." Clarkson

from disbarred attorney to being enjoined against peddling his snake-oil. Gene must be beside himself.

Tax Analyst reports:

October 20, 2005

South Carolina Man Allegedly Sells Fraudulent
"Untaxing Packet" Nationwide

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Justice Department announced today that it has asked a South Carolina federal court to stop Robert B. Clarkson, of Anderson, South Carolina, from selling alleged tax-fraud scams. The government's civil injunction complaint, filed in Greenville, alleges that Clarkson uses the Internet to sell materials containing instructions and tactics to help customers illegally evade federal taxes. The complaint also seeks a court order requiring Clarkson to provide the government his customers' names, mailing and e-mail addresses, and telephone and Social Security numbers.
The complaint alleges that Clarkson is a disbarred attorney who has twice been convicted of federal tax-related crimes. Operating under name "the Patriot Network," Clarkson allegedly sells through a website he operates several how-to guides on illegally evading federal taxes, charging $55 to $300 per guide. One guide, the "Un-taxing Packet," allegedly contains form letters to government officials that customers are falsely told can be used to remove any liability they have to pay taxes. Clarkson also allegedly uses a website to advise his customers to obstruct IRS investigations.

"Any plan purporting to eliminate your obligations under the tax laws is a scam," said Eileen J. O'Connor, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Tax Division. "The Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service are working vigorously to stop the promotion of tax fraud."

This injunction suit is part of an effort to stop the promotion of tax scams and the preparation and filing of false and fraudulent returns. The Justice Department has obtained injunctions against more than 100 promoters and tax preparers since 2001. More information about the Justice Department's efforts against tax-scam promoters can be found at . Information about the Justice Department's Tax Division can be found at .

Monday, October 17, 2005


Comments on triallogs.blogspot.com

There are a large bunch of, shall we say, mentally challenged people posting comments over there. I especially love the ones that post under anonymous and then deride other anonymous posters for posting anonymously.

One name "John", who I believe is John Vories who actually spent a day passing out Togaidiots "tracts", is a poster that takes me to task for my posts. Here is "John's" original post and my response.

Hope you are going to put your wimpy comments back on this blog when Irwin is aquitted of all charges Frank Buckner.

That's simply not going to happen.

I realize you "people" have an incredibly difficult time grasping that little thing I like calling reality, but Schiff will be found guilty. NOT because of a "stacked deck" or a "corrupt judiciary" or any of the other thousand reasons you'll come up with - he will be found guilty, because he is guilty.

He's a flim flam scam man that actually stumbled into a huge stroke of luck when he found a group of people that were actually stupid enough to believe his crap. Not only believe it, but thrive on it, hoist the "zero return" flag and salute it. He fell into con man heaven at that point.

You morons have been supporting him for years - he owes the IRS MILLIONS of dollar thanks to retards like you and you and even you Angela, buying his twilight zone tomes.

I realize you must "stick" with it, you're in too deep to admit that you're incredibly gullible, but damn, you don't have to wallow in your ignorance for all to see. Then again, maybe it's a good thing - I find you people such a fantastic source of amusement. Who needs to pay $12 a month to watch comedy on HBO when the world has the tens of tax protestors in it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Latest Idiotblog from TogaFraud

R.W. Moore, the person that "produced" Togaidiots "Fidel Castro Letter Movie" had 2 massive heart-attacks this week - but Gene will send him some money to "get the DVD's ready". What compassion preacher boy is showing, ey?

Here's the link

He's going to "turn the heat up on the Social Security Issue". He figured out it's connected to his Drivers License as well.

"Mark of the Beast" concerns once again. What a maroon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Interview between Deadbeat and an 80 year old Doctor of Optometry

The link :

"Dr." Hartman:
"as early as 1965 when Kennedy was assassinated"

"Dr." Hartman (who testifed for Schiff on this point of law)
"they can take a maximum of 10%...or maybe it's 15%, somewhere around there"

The judge, surprisingly, wouldn't let him testify about the Social Security, but he did get to testify about seizing Irvin's car.

"Dr." started the zero return nonsense about 5 years before Schiff so he says.

Kenline asked him what happened after he fell off the stand " I just laid there". Priceless.

Kenline the martyr. I'd feel sorry for him if it wasn't his own fault. Then again, maybe not.

37:48 long. I don't have enough in me to listen to the whole thing. But what I did hear was amusing.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Proof Positive that Gene is off his meds

The lastest from his idiot-blog, ridicule in red.

Thursday, October 06, 2005
Posted 10/06/2005 11:50:00 AM by Gene

Gene Chapman, Minister of Christ
P.O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029

October 7, 2005

American Christians

Re: Invitation to Join a "Slave Freedom/ Mark of The Beast Class Action Law Suit."

My Fellow Christians:

In conversations with Greek scholars at the highest theological levels of both Bob Jones University and the Southern Baptist Convention, along with my own studies, I found that there are three primary attributes of slavery in antiquity:

I still want to know what "highest" levels he's speaking to? A phone call with a janitor that cleans the big guys office?

1) Taxation of Property (1st Plank of "The Communist Manifesto").
2) Taxation of Labor (income tax: flat or graduated/ 2nd Plank).
3) Counting People Like Cattle (to control labor and/ or property).

For more study: (andrapodistes.blogspot.com).

I found also in a read of "The Communist Manifesto" that the function of its 10 Planks is to twist a nation with free market economy (including freedom of conscience and exchange of ideas) into a godless, secular humanist socialist communist slave state. We will save the details for the class action law suit.
Translation: We'll collect donations from gullible fools (and there are many) before you realize "we're" even more full of crap than usual.

Under the class action, we assert that the United States Government:

1) Has adopted a state religion called, "Secular Humanist Socialist Communism" and now imposes this state religion upon Christians, 82% of the U.S. population (source: Cable News Network), in America, directly violating I Corinthians 7:21-23 and the 1st, 5th, 10th and 13th Amendments to the United States Constitution. They have imposed slavery, by definition, upon a people who are called by God to:
When did "Cable News Network" report this? Cite please togafraud.

(a) seek freedom from slavery (taxation of labor, taxation of property and being counted like cattle) in I Corinthians 7:21b, if already enslaved and
(b) reject slavery categorically, if already free (I Corinthians 7:23).

2) Has especially since 9/11/2001 imposed new uses for the Social Security Number that are unrelated to its original intent of individual dealings with the Social Security Administration, such that one may now not "buy" land, cars, homes, renewed professional licenses, pass ports, etc. "or sell" labor (see: Revelation 13:17) without the Government imposed control number (see: Revelation 13 and 14).

Relief sought: Do away with or allow a simple "opt out" for Christians who do not wish to be slaves or be in such close proximity to the "mark of the beast" issue, in accordance with Biblical teaching. No requirement to have or use a national id card, etc.

Like a giant python, the U.S. Government is squeezing Christians into the mold of slavery and the "mark of the beast" more each day. We have an opportunity here to set a strong legal precedent that will both free Christians from slavery now and perhaps give some breathing room to those Christians who will live through the time of the Beast.

(Note: According to I Corinthians 7:21b, one may infer that when Christians do not seek freedom from slavery (i.e. income taxes: flat or graduated, property taxes and being counted like cattle), it may cost souls their salvation in Christ. The human author of Corinthians, Paul the Apostle, used his freedom to win souls; he feels clearly that there is a "use" for our freedom seeking.)

I look forward to a letter from you and Christians you know in signing on as Co-Complainants to the Class Action soon. We are now studying law firms to handle this unique case with a $40,000 per year present budget.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman,
Minister of Christ
He's still pissed that he can't get a passport to "free the slaves" in Africa unless he gives up his Social Security Number. This will "show them".

Saturday, October 01, 2005


The Secret Life of a tax protester ~ Shhh!

I thought I had a small kitchen. Doesn't this make you want to run out and buy his book?

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